Mister Rogers puts a new plant into his aquarium. Picture-picture isn’t working, so Mr. Rogers checks the projector and finds that the light is burnt out. He goes to Negri’s Music Shop to get a new bulb and then fixes Picture-Picture.In the Neighborhood of Make-Believe, the telecan is bouncing up and down. When Cousin Mary Owl plays the drum and Handyman Negri plays the guitar, the telecan begins to bounce in time to the music. X helps Handyman Negri make a sign that says, “Caution.”
Mister Rogers experiments with a bell, a battery, and some wires. He explains that adults should be present when there are wires attached to something a child is using.In the Neighborhood of Make-Believe, the telecan is going up and down. Mr. McFeely delivers a lesson from O.C.S. to X. Mr. McFeely calls Lady Aberlin to help X. She holds up puzzle pieces. Each piece is a person from early American history. Mister Rogers visits Mr. McFeely, who is ill. The doctor examines him and recomends a rest. Mister Rogers suggests that perhaps Mr. McFeely is in too much of a hurry all the time. Mr. McFeely is sad because his granddaughter said he hurries too much. Mister Rogers says that grownups need to be liked, too.
Mister Rogers records one of his very own songs. Gladys Schenk makes Fred fried bananas at Brockett’s Bakery. Mister Rogers talks about sitting still.In the Neighborhood of Make-Believe, the telecan is still going up and down. King Friday orders Miss. Paulificate to fix it. Handyman Negri ties the telecan so it will not move, but then none of the telephones in the Neighborhood of Make-Believe work. Handyman unties the telecan and goes to Lady Elaine for help. Lady Elaine gives Handyman Negri some magic phrases and gestures to stop the telecan. Mister Rogers says that the person who is pretending gets to decide what will happen.
Mister Rogers demonstrates a pitch pipe and compares tones. Mister Rogers visits Francois Clemmons who is entertaining John Costa and his grandson. They play the piano and some pitchpipes, then Francois sings.Mr. McFeely stops by to show how he is practicing to sit still. While Mr. McFeely and Mister Rogers are visiting Francois Clemmons to see his new piano, Mrs. McFeely comes by for her voice lesson. Mister Rogers tells the viewer to think up something to do about the broken telecan in the Neighborhood of Make-Believe.
Mister Rogers plays with a King Friday marionette. Mrs. McFeely shows Mister Rogers books about mushrooms and talks about the library.In the Neighborhood of Make-Believe, King Friday has Bob Brown fool Lady Aberlin by convincing her that the King Friday marionette is really King Friday and that the king can fly. Lady Aberlin tells Mr. McFeely and Lady Elaine. Although Lady Elaine is skeptical, they all rush to the castle to see. Lady Elaine notices the strings and exposes the king’s joke. When Mr. McFeely goes back to the museum to mow the grass, he finds a huge mushroom which Lady Elaine puts in her mushroom room. Mister Rogers explains that her mushrooms are poisonous. He has the viewers watch his big stop light and distinguish which light is on top, bottom, or middle. Mr. McFeely delivers a bunch of mushrooms to Mister Rogers.
Watch full-length Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood programs. The first Monday of every month will feature programs from the early years 1968-1975. The third Monday of every month will feature programs from the “Theme Weeks” library 1979-2001.